Community Service Initiative
The proposal presentation on the fun-fixed onto the wall design was held on the 13th September 2017.
Venue: E5.16 @ Taylor's University, Lakeside Campus
Duration : 15 minutes
There are 6 students assigned to the task.
Group 4 are to incorporate the skills and knowledge as interior architecture students, preparing a conducive and pleasant environment for the PPOC students to gain intellectual knowledge. It's a great opportunity for the group to implement the knowledge into real life situation while also enhancing their learning space. Group 4 was assigned to produce an interactive learning wall, making easier for them to study and remember through playing. Through observation and some information given by the trainer, the group approaches the disables and had a short interview session to further understand their needs better in a different perspective. Some of the students are lacking in the ability of counting while some of them are quite good in it, unfortunately most of them would have a hard time to memorize. Through the conversation, the group notice that most of the students like to play and learn with colours and handcrafted works rather than doing the counting. They are very assured in the things they like and would be very excited to share themselves in the topic they like to talk about.